Source code for CPAC.pipeline.nipype_pipeline_engine.engine

#     This file is derived from sources licensed under the Apache-2.0 terms,
#     and this file has been changed.

#     * Supports just-in-time dynamic memory allocation
#     * Skips doctests that require files that we haven't copied over
#     * Applies a random seed
#     * Supports overriding memory estimates via a log file and a buffer
#     * Adds quotation marks around strings in dotfiles

#     Copyright (c) 2009-2016, Nipype developers

#     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#     You may obtain a copy of the License at


#     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#     limitations under the License.

#     Prior to release 0.12, Nipype was licensed under a BSD license.

# Modifications Copyright (C) 2022 C-PAC Developers

# This file is part of C-PAC.

# C-PAC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.

# C-PAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with C-PAC. If not, see <>.
'''Module to import Nipype Pipeline engine and override some Classes.
for C-PAC-specific documentation.
for Nipype's documentation.'''  # noqa: E501  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
import os
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from logging import getLogger
from inspect import Parameter, Signature, signature
from nibabel import load
from nipype import logging
from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.pipeline.engine.utils import (
    load_resultfile as _load_resultfile,
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.utils.functions import getsource
from numpy import prod
from traits.trait_base import Undefined
from traits.trait_handlers import TraitListObject

# set global default mem_gb
UNDEFINED_SIZE = (42, 42, 42, 1200)

random_state_logger = getLogger('random')
logger = getLogger("nipype.workflow")

def _check_mem_x_path(mem_x_path):
    '''Function to check if a supplied multiplier path exists.

    mem_x_path : str, iterable, Undefined or None

    mem_x_path = _grab_first_path(mem_x_path)
        return mem_x_path is not Undefined and os.path.exists(
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return False

def _doctest_skiplines(docstring, lines_to_skip):
    Function to add '  # doctest: +SKIP' to the end of docstring lines
    to skip in imported docstrings.

    docstring : str

    lines_to_skip : set or list

    docstring : str

    >>> _doctest_skiplines('skip this line', {'skip this line'})
    'skip this line  # doctest: +SKIP'
    if (
        not isinstance(lines_to_skip, set) and
        not isinstance(lines_to_skip, list)
        raise TypeError(
            '_doctest_skiplines: `lines_to_skip` must be a set or list.')

    return '\n'.join([
        f'{line}  # doctest: +SKIP' if line in lines_to_skip else line
        for line in docstring.split('\n')

def _grab_first_path(mem_x_path):
    '''Function to grab the first path if multiple paths for given
    multiplier input

    mem_x_path : str, iterable, Undefined or None

    str, Undefined or None
    if isinstance(mem_x_path, (list, TraitListObject, tuple)):
        mem_x_path = mem_x_path[0] if len(mem_x_path) else Undefined
    return mem_x_path

[docs]class Node(pe.Node): # pylint: disable=empty-docstring,too-many-instance-attributes __doc__ = _doctest_skiplines( pe.Node.__doc__, {" >>> realign.inputs.in_files = 'functional.nii'"} )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, mem_gb=DEFAULT_MEM_GB, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from CPAC.pipeline.random_state import random_seed super().__init__(*args, mem_gb=mem_gb, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger("nipype.workflow") self.seed = random_seed() self.seed_applied = False self.input_data_shape = Undefined self._debug = False self.verbose_logger = None self._mem_x = {} if 'mem_x' in kwargs and isinstance( kwargs['mem_x'], (tuple, list) ): if len(kwargs['mem_x']) == 3: ( self._mem_x['multiplier'], self._mem_x['file'], self._mem_x['mode'] ) = kwargs['mem_x'] else: self._mem_x['mode'] = 'xyzt' if len(kwargs['mem_x']) == 2: ( self._mem_x['multiplier'], self._mem_x['file'] ) = kwargs['mem_x'] else: self._mem_x['multiplier'] = kwargs['mem_x'] self._mem_x['file'] = None else: delattr(self, '_mem_x') setattr(self, 'skip_timeout', False)
orig_sig_params = list(signature(pe.Node).parameters.items()) __init__.__signature__ = Signature(parameters=[ p[1] if p[0] != 'mem_gb' else ( 'mem_gb', Parameter('mem_gb', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=DEFAULT_MEM_GB) )[1] for p in orig_sig_params[:-1]] + [ Parameter('mem_x', Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY), orig_sig_params[-1][1] ]) __init__.__doc__ = re.sub(r'(?<!\s):', ' :', '\n'.join([ pe.Node.__init__.__doc__.rstrip(), ''' mem_gb : int or float Estimate (in GB) of constant memory to allocate for this node. mem_x : 2-tuple or 3-tuple (``multiplier``, ``input_file``) (int or float, str) (``multiplier``, ``input_file``, ``mode``) (int or float, str, str) **Note** This parameter (``mem_x``) is likely to change in a future release as we incorporate more factors into memory estimates. See also: `⚡️ Setting data- and operation-dependent memory-estimates <>`_ GitHub epic of issues related to improving Node memory estimates based on the data and operations involved. Multiplier for memory allocation such that ``multiplier`` times ``mode`` of 4-D file at ``input_file`` plus ``self._mem_gb`` equals the total memory allocation for the node. ``input_file`` can be a Node input string or an actual path. ``mode`` can be any one of * 'xyzt' (spatial * temporal) (default if not specified) * 'xyz' (spatial) * 't' (temporal)'''])) # noqa: E501 # pylint: disable=line-too-long def _add_flags(self, flags): r''' Parameters ---------- flags : list or tuple If a list, add ``flags`` to ``self.inputs.flags`` or ``self.inputs.args`` If a tuple, remove ``flags[1]`` from and add ``flags[0]`` to ``self.inputs.flags`` or ``self.inputs.args`` ''' def prep_flags(attr): to_remove = [] if isinstance(flags, tuple): to_remove += flags[1] new_flags = flags[0] else: new_flags = flags old_flags = getattr(self.inputs, attr) if isinstance(old_flags, str): to_remove.sort(key=lambda x: -x.count(' ')) for flag in to_remove: if f' {flag} ' in old_flags: old_flags = old_flags.replace(f' {flag}', '') old_flags = [old_flags] if isinstance(old_flags, list): new_flags = [flag for flag in old_flags if flag not in to_remove] + new_flags if attr == 'args': new_flags = ' '.join(new_flags) while ' ' in new_flags: new_flags = new_flags.replace(' ', ' ') return new_flags if hasattr(self.inputs, 'flags'): self.inputs.flags = prep_flags('flags') else: self.inputs.args = prep_flags('args') def _apply_mem_x(self, multiplicand=None): '''Method to calculate and memoize a Node's estimated memory footprint. Parameters ---------- multiplicand : str or int or float or list thereof or 3-or-4-tuple or None Any of * path to file(s) with shape to multiply by multiplier * multiplicand * shape of image to consider with mode Returns ------- number estimated memory usage (GB) ''' def parse_multiplicand(multiplicand): ''' Returns an numeric value for a multiplicand if multipland is a string or None. Parameters ---------- muliplicand : any Returns ------- int or float ''' if self._debug: self.verbose_logger.debug('%s multiplicand: %s',, multiplicand) if isinstance(multiplicand, list): return max([parse_multiplicand(part) for part in multiplicand]) if isinstance(multiplicand, (int, float)): return multiplicand if ( isinstance(multiplicand, tuple) and 3 <= len(multiplicand) <= 4 and all(isinstance(i, (int, float)) for i in multiplicand) ): return get_data_size( multiplicand, getattr(self, '_mem_x', {}).get('mode')) if _check_mem_x_path(multiplicand): return get_data_size( _grab_first_path(multiplicand), getattr(self, '_mem_x', {}).get('mode')) return 1 if hasattr(self, '_mem_x'): if self._debug: self.verbose_logger.debug('%s._mem_x: %s',, self._mem_x) if multiplicand is None: multiplicand = self._mem_x_file() setattr(self, '_mem_gb', ( self._mem_gb + self._mem_x.get('multiplier', 0) * parse_multiplicand(multiplicand))) try: if self._mem_gb > 1000: self.logger.warning( '%s is estimated to use %.3f GB (%s).',, self._mem_gb, getattr(self, '_mem_x') ) except FileNotFoundError: pass del self._mem_x if self._debug: self.verbose_logger.debug('%s._mem_gb: %s',, self._mem_gb) return self._mem_gb def _apply_random_seed(self): '''Apply flags for the first matched interface''' # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from CPAC.pipeline.random_state import random_seed_flags if isinstance(self.interface, Function): for rsf, flags in random_seed_flags()['functions'].items(): if self.interface.inputs.function_str == getsource(rsf): self.interface.inputs.function_str = flags( self.interface.inputs.function_str) self.seed_applied = True return for rsf, flags in random_seed_flags()['interfaces'].items(): if isinstance(self.interface, rsf): self._add_flags(flags) self.seed_applied = True return @property def mem_gb(self): """Get estimated memory (GB)""" if hasattr(self._interface, "estimated_memory_gb"): self._mem_gb = self._interface.estimated_memory_gb self.logger.warning( 'Setting "estimated_memory_gb" on Interfaces has been ' "deprecated as of nipype 1.0, please use Node.mem_gb." ) if hasattr(self, '_mem_x'): if self._mem_x['file'] is None: return self._apply_mem_x() try: mem_x_path = getattr(self.inputs, self._mem_x['file']) except AttributeError as attribute_error: raise AttributeError( f'{attribute_error.args[0]} in Node \'{}\'' ) from attribute_error if _check_mem_x_path(mem_x_path): # constant + mem_x[0] * t return self._apply_mem_x() raise FileNotFoundError(2, 'The memory estimate for Node ' f"'{}' depends on the input " f"'{self._mem_x['file']}' but " 'no such file or directory', mem_x_path) return self._mem_gb @property def mem_x(self): """Get dict of 'multiplier' (memory multiplier), 'file' (input file) and multiplier mode (spatial * temporal, spatial only or temporal only). Returns ``None`` if already consumed or not set.""" return getattr(self, '_mem_x', None) def _mem_x_file(self): return getattr(self.inputs, getattr(self, '_mem_x', {}).get('file'))
[docs] def override_mem_gb(self, new_mem_gb): """Override the Node's memory estimate with a new value. Parameters ---------- new_mem_gb : int or float new memory estimate in GB """ if hasattr(self, '_mem_x'): delattr(self, '_mem_x') setattr(self, '_mem_gb', new_mem_gb)
[docs] def run(self, updatehash=False): self.__doc__ = getattr(super(), '__doc__', '') if self.seed is not None: self._apply_random_seed() if self.seed_applied:'%s\t%s', '# (Atropos constant)' if 'atropos' in else str(self.seed), return super().run(updatehash)
[docs]class MapNode(Node, pe.MapNode): # pylint: disable=empty-docstring __doc__ = _doctest_skiplines( pe.MapNode.__doc__, {" ... 'functional3.nii']"} )
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
__init__.__signature__ = Signature(parameters=[ p[1] if p[0] != 'mem_gb' else ( 'mem_gb', Parameter('mem_gb', Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=DEFAULT_MEM_GB) )[1] for p in signature(pe.Node).parameters.items()])
[docs]class Workflow(pe.Workflow): """Controls the setup and execution of a pipeline of processes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, base_dir=None, debug=False): """Create a workflow object. Parameters ---------- name : alphanumeric string unique identifier for the workflow base_dir : string, optional path to workflow storage debug : boolean, optional enable verbose debug-level logging """ import networkx as nx super().__init__(name, base_dir) self._debug = debug self.verbose_logger = getLogger('engine') if debug else None self._graph = nx.DiGraph() self._nodes_cache = set() self._nested_workflows_cache = set()
def _configure_exec_nodes(self, graph): """Ensure that each node knows where to get inputs from""" for node in graph.nodes(): node._debug = self._debug # pylint: disable=protected-access node.verbose_logger = self.verbose_logger node.input_source = {} for edge in graph.in_edges(node): data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge) for sourceinfo, field in data["connect"]: node.input_source[field] = ( os.path.join(edge[0].output_dir(), "result_%s.pklz" % edge[0].name), sourceinfo, ) if node and hasattr(node, '_mem_x'): if isinstance( node._mem_x, # pylint: disable=protected-access dict ) and node._mem_x[ # pylint: disable=protected-access 'file'] == field: input_resultfile = node.input_source.get(field) if input_resultfile: # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(input_resultfile, tuple): input_resultfile = input_resultfile[0] try: # memoize node._mem_gb if path # already exists node._apply_mem_x(_load_resultfile( input_resultfile ).inputs[field]) except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError, TypeError): self._handle_just_in_time_exception(node) def _get_dot( self, prefix=None, hierarchy=None, colored=False, simple_form=True, level=0 ): """Create a dot file with connection info""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name,protected-access import networkx as nx if prefix is None: prefix = " " if hierarchy is None: hierarchy = [] colorset = [ "#FFFFC8", # Y "#0000FF", "#B4B4FF", "#E6E6FF", # B "#FF0000", "#FFB4B4", "#FFE6E6", # R "#00A300", "#B4FFB4", "#E6FFE6", # G "#0000FF", "#B4B4FF", ] # loop B if level > len(colorset) - 2: level = 3 # Loop back to blue quoted_prefix = f'"{prefix}"' if len(prefix.strip()) else prefix dotlist = [f'{quoted_prefix}label="{}";'] for node in nx.topological_sort(self._graph): fullname = ".".join(hierarchy + [node.fullname]) nodename = fullname.replace(".", "_") if not isinstance(node, Workflow): node_class_name = get_print_name(node, simple_form=simple_form) if not simple_form: node_class_name = ".".join(node_class_name.split(".")[1:]) if hasattr(node, "iterables") and node.iterables: dotlist.append(f'"{nodename}"[label="{node_class_name}", ' "shape=box3d, style=filled, color=black, " "colorscheme=greys7 fillcolor=2];") else: if colored: dotlist.append(f'"{nodename}"[label="' f'{node_class_name}", style=filled,' f' fillcolor="{colorset[level]}"];') else: dotlist.append(f'"{nodename}"[label="' f'{node_class_name}"];') for node in nx.topological_sort(self._graph): if isinstance(node, Workflow): fullname = ".".join(hierarchy + [node.fullname]) nodename = fullname.replace(".", "_") dotlist.append(f"subgraph \"cluster_{nodename}\" {{") if colored: dotlist.append(f'{prefix}{prefix}edge [color="' f'{colorset[level + 1]}"];') dotlist.append(f"{prefix}{prefix}style=filled;") dotlist.append(f'{prefix}{prefix}fillcolor=' f'"{colorset[level + 2]}";') dotlist.append( node._get_dot( prefix=prefix + prefix, hierarchy=hierarchy + [], colored=colored, simple_form=simple_form, level=level + 3, ) ) dotlist.append("}") else: for subnode in self._graph.successors(node): if node._hierarchy != subnode._hierarchy: continue if not isinstance(subnode, Workflow): nodefullname = ".".join(hierarchy + [node.fullname]) subnodefullname = ".".join( hierarchy + [subnode.fullname]) nodename = nodefullname.replace(".", "_") subnodename = subnodefullname.replace(".", "_") for _ in self._graph.get_edge_data( node, subnode )["connect"]: dotlist.append(f'"{nodename}" -> "{subnodename}";') logger.debug("connection: %s", dotlist[-1]) # add between workflow connections for u, v, d in self._graph.edges(data=True): uname = ".".join(hierarchy + [u.fullname]) vname = ".".join(hierarchy + [v.fullname]) for src, dest in d["connect"]: uname1 = uname vname1 = vname if isinstance(src, tuple): srcname = src[0] else: srcname = src if "." in srcname: uname1 += "." + ".".join(srcname.split(".")[:-1]) if "." in dest and "@" not in dest: if not isinstance(v, Workflow): if "datasink" not in str( v._interface.__class__ ).lower(): vname1 += "." + ".".join(dest.split(".")[:-1]) else: vname1 += "." + ".".join(dest.split(".")[:-1]) if uname1.split(".")[:-1] != vname1.split(".")[:-1]: dotlist.append(f'"{uname1.replace(".", "_")}" -> ' f'"{vname1.replace(".", "_")}";') logger.debug("cross connection: %s", dotlist[-1]) return ("\n" + prefix).join(dotlist) def _handle_just_in_time_exception(self, node): # pylint: disable=protected-access if hasattr(self, '_local_func_scans'): node._apply_mem_x( self._local_func_scans) # pylint: disable=no-member else: # TODO: handle S3 files node._apply_mem_x(UNDEFINED_SIZE) # noqa: W0212
[docs] def write_graph( self, dotfilename="", graph2use="hierarchical", format="png", simple_form=True, ): graphtypes = ["orig", "flat", "hierarchical", "exec", "colored"] if graph2use not in graphtypes: raise ValueError( "Unknown graph2use keyword. Must be one of: " + str(graphtypes) ) base_dir, dotfilename = os.path.split(dotfilename) if base_dir == "": if self.base_dir: base_dir = self.base_dir if base_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, else: base_dir = os.getcwd() os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True) if graph2use in ["hierarchical", "colored"]: if[:1].isdigit(): # these graphs break if int raise ValueError(f"{graph2use} graph failed, workflow name " "cannot begin with a number") dotfilename = os.path.join(base_dir, dotfilename) self.write_hierarchical_dotfile( dotfilename=dotfilename, colored=graph2use == "colored", simple_form=simple_form, ) outfname = format_dot(dotfilename, format=format) else: graph = self._graph if graph2use in ["flat", "exec"]: graph = self._create_flat_graph() if graph2use == "exec": graph = generate_expanded_graph(deepcopy(graph)) outfname = export_graph( graph, base_dir, dotfilename=dotfilename, format=format, simple_form=simple_form, )"Generated workflow graph: %s " "(graph2use=%s, simple_form=%s).", outfname, graph2use, simple_form) return outfname
write_graph.__doc__ = pe.Workflow.write_graph.__doc__ def write_hierarchical_dotfile( self, dotfilename=None, colored=False, simple_form=True ): # pylint: disable=invalid-name dotlist = [f"digraph \"{}\"{{"] dotlist.append(self._get_dot(prefix=" ", colored=colored, simple_form=simple_form)) dotlist.append("}") dotstr = "\n".join(dotlist) if dotfilename: with open(dotfilename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.writelines(dotstr) fp.close() else:
def get_data_size(filepath, mode='xyzt'): """Function to return the size of a functional image (x * y * z * t) Parameters ---------- filepath : str or path path to image file OR 4-tuple stand-in dimensions (x, y, z, t) mode : str One of: * 'xyzt' (all dimensions multiplied) (DEFAULT) * 'xyz' (spatial dimensions multiplied) * 't' (number of TRs) Returns ------- int or float """ if isinstance(filepath, str): data_shape = load(filepath).shape elif isinstance(filepath, tuple) and len(filepath) == 4: data_shape = filepath if mode == 't': # if the data has muptiple TRs, return that number if len(data_shape) > 3: return data_shape[3] # otherwise return 1 return 1 if mode == 'xyz': return prod(data_shape[0:3]).item() return prod(data_shape).item() def export_graph( graph_in, base_dir=None, show=False, use_execgraph=False, show_connectinfo=False, dotfilename="", format="png", simple_form=True, ): """Displays the graph layout of the pipeline This function requires that pygraphviz and matplotlib are available on the system. Parameters ---------- show : boolean Indicate whether to generate pygraphviz output fromn networkx. default [False] use_execgraph : boolean Indicates whether to use the specification graph or the execution graph. default [False] show_connectioninfo : boolean Indicates whether to show the edge data on the graph. This makes the graph rather cluttered. default [False] """ import networkx as nx graph = deepcopy(graph_in) if use_execgraph: graph = generate_expanded_graph(graph) logger.debug("using execgraph") else: logger.debug("using input graph") if base_dir is None: base_dir = os.getcwd() os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True) out_dot = fname_presuffix(dotfilename, suffix="", use_ext=False, newpath=base_dir) _write_detailed_dot(graph, out_dot) # Convert .dot if format != 'dot' outfname, res = _run_dot(out_dot, format_ext=format) if res is not None and res.runtime.returncode: logger.warning("dot2png: %s", res.runtime.stderr) pklgraph = _create_dot_graph(graph, show_connectinfo, simple_form) simple_dot = fname_presuffix(dotfilename, suffix=".dot", use_ext=False, newpath=base_dir) nx.drawing.nx_pydot.write_dot(pklgraph, simple_dot) # Convert .dot if format != 'dot' simplefname, res = _run_dot(simple_dot, format_ext=format) if res is not None and res.runtime.returncode: logger.warning("dot2png: %s", res.runtime.stderr) if show: pos = nx.graphviz_layout(pklgraph, prog="dot") nx.draw(pklgraph, pos) if show_connectinfo: nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(pklgraph, pos) return simplefname if simple_form else outfname def _write_detailed_dot(graph, dotfilename): r""" Create a dot file with connection info :: digraph structs { node [shape=record]; struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> middle|<f2> right"]; struct2 [label="<f0> one|<f1> two"]; struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"]; struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0; struct1:f0 -> struct2:f1; struct1:f2 -> struct3:here; } """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name import networkx as nx text = ["digraph structs {", "node [shape=record];"] # write nodes edges = [] for n in nx.topological_sort(graph): nodename = n.itername inports = [] for u, v, d in graph.in_edges(nbunch=n, data=True): for cd in d["connect"]: if isinstance(cd[0], (str, bytes)): outport = cd[0] else: outport = cd[0][0] inport = cd[1] ipstrip = f"in{_replacefunk(inport)}" opstrip = f"out{_replacefunk(outport)}" edges.append(f'"{u.itername.replace(".", "")}":' f'"{opstrip}":e -> ' f'"{v.itername.replace(".", "")}":' f'"{ipstrip}":w;') if inport not in inports: inports.append(inport) inputstr = (["{IN"] + [f"|<in{_replacefunk(ip)}> {ip}" for ip in sorted(inports)] + ["}"]) outports = [] for u, v, d in graph.out_edges(nbunch=n, data=True): for cd in d["connect"]: if isinstance(cd[0], (str, bytes)): outport = cd[0] else: outport = cd[0][0] if outport not in outports: outports.append(outport) outputstr = ( ["{OUT"] + [f"|<out{_replacefunk(oport)}> {oport}" for oport in sorted(outports)] + ["}"]) srcpackage = "" if hasattr(n, "_interface"): pkglist = n.interface.__class__.__module__.split(".") if len(pkglist) > 2: srcpackage = pkglist[2] srchierarchy = ".".join(nodename.split(".")[1:-1]) nodenamestr = (f"{{ {nodename.split('.')[-1]} | {srcpackage} | " f"{srchierarchy} }}") text += [f'"{nodename.replace(".", "")}" [label=' f'"{"".join(inputstr)}|{nodenamestr}|{"".join(outputstr)}"];'] # write edges for edge in sorted(edges): text.append(edge) text.append("}") with open(dotfilename, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as filep: filep.write("\n".join(text)) return text